Saturday 13 March 2010

Keep the comments coming in

Generally I like to get comments as they make me think more deeply about what I have written. On Wednesday I wrote about health insurance and got a comment in three parts. The first agreed with what I had written. There are some instances when private insurance should be taken out. We may disagree on the detail but that's fine. We are all different.

The second point was about why we go to hospital. I mentioned going with a scratch, but this could be anything from a scratch to a Monty Python scratch which is more like the loss of a limb. Anonymous questioned when we should seek help. As a former physiotherapist for 22 years I have been involved in many scenarios of when people should look for professional help but the bottom line is that you seek help if you have any doubt.

I had already read the third comment at but it is an important point. Household insurance may cover injury from pets. Irresponsible owners will remain irresponsible even if this new legislation is passed and the burden will fall on responsible owners.

Recently I nearly changed my settings to stop anonymous comments. I have been questioning some anonymous commentators about why they remain anonymous but I haven't received an answer from them. I guessed it was possibly because they didn't want to expose their foolish background when that is what they are doing with their comments. I would prefer it if comments were not anonymous but if they allow me to write at a greater depth then these comments must be a good thing.

Change the world


  1. Thanks for the link.
    Reading your blog makes me stop and think.
